The Transology Association Inc.
York Office for Transgender Affairs 
and Homeless Services
Transgender Programs and Operations
Programs and Operations
Our office will be open to the public 5 days a week so those seeking Help, Guidance, Direction, and Support for Homelessness and Transgender issues and affairs can just walk into our office and receive the help and support they need.

To get the assistence and support, all you have to do is walk into our office, let us know what your needs are and we do our best to help and support your needs.... or you can call us at 717-650-2247, if no one answers please leave us a detailed message regarding what help and assistence you are seeking. We are in and out of our office frequently helping those individuals in need.

When you walk into our office you will be greeted with friendly knowledgeible people who care and have lived your experiences in both transgender and Homelessness. 

We have helped hundreds of Transgender individuals over the years with Information, Education, Support, Guidance, homelessness and much more, when we operated transgender and homeless support groups beginning in 2003 until 2021. In 2021 we developed our Office for transgender affairs and homeless services .

We have helped many homeless people living in poverty and without shelter over the years. Our expereince comes from our staff and president who have expereinced homlessness and know what it is like to be homeless, down and out with no one to turn to for help.

All services provided within this office will be free to anyone seeking help with their Homelessness and Transgender affairs, issues and problems. 

The general public is welcome to use our services free of charge to learn about the Transgender Community and Homelessness in York, Pennsylvania and ask the many questions that are related to these 2 communities.

The People who provide the help and assistance in the York Office for Transgender Affairs are well versed, experienced and knowledgeable in most all aspects of Transgender issues and affairs. They will be able to direct those seeking Licensed Professional help in the proper direction and provide excellent peer support and help when needed.

The people who provide help and assistence to the Homeless are expereinced and knowledgible because they were homeless many years ago and know and realize how important it is to be able to provide the help and assistence needed to help the homeless suffering from proverty and needing shelter to survive.

A list of some of the services we will provide for transgender individuals needing assistence in order to live as your authentic selves are below. Please feel free to contact us at any time in regard to Transgender affairs and issues and we will try to help solve the problems or direct you to those who can help in a more Professional manor.

To learn more about Homelessness and Homeless programs please go to our Homelessness section by clicking on Homelessness
The York Office for Transgender Affairs
Hours: TBA
32 North Queen Street
York, Pa 17403
Michael/Michelle GreyFeather: 717-332-1247
[email protected]

Ellen Davidson  717-413-1275
[email protected] 
 The Transology Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit  Association
Donations and Gifts are tax deductible by Local, State and Federal Laws
Copyright January 2021 -  All rights reserved.
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We have posted a guest book on the bottom of the main pages in the web site for your convenience to enter your Comments, Suggestions and other Information you wish to provide for The Transolgy Association, York Office for Transgender Affairs and Homeless Services and / or for the Transgender Community.

Your imput is very important to us so we can improve our web site for you and help the the Transgender Community and the  Homeless population... If there is something you would like to see added to the web site or something you would like to have started in the Community, Please ... let us know and we will do our best to get it accomplished. We are in the office 5 days a week presently from 3 PM to 7 PM to help you and the Community as best as we can and to the best of our ability. Everything we do for you and the Community is free of charge.
Contact E-mail  -  [email protected]

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Transgender people need help in the following ways, especially when they live in poverty and do not have the funds to help themselves survive. Below are just some of the ways we help transgender people survive and help them create a much better life for themselves.

Provide assistance and funding for Gender marker change … Gender marker changes need to be changed on ID cards and driver licenses to help the transgender individuals live as their authentic selves, it gives them the gender identity needed to survive in society. For those transgender people who cannot afford to have their gender marker changed, we help to pay for their gender marker changes on drivers license and ID cards. In some locations there is no cost for gender marker changes on ID Cards and Drivers licenses.

Provide assistance and funding for name change … this gives the transgender person the name that reflects the gender they are living as which helps to prevent rejections and harassment and allows them to live life with a name that reflects their authentic selves. For those transgender people who cannot afford to have their name changed, we help to pay the funds for their name change because it helps a transgender person to live a better life as their authentic self.. We will also attend court with you when having your name changed.

Provide assistance with social security name and gender marker change … this helps the transgender person to identify as their authentic selves for jobs and medical care and provides for disability in their futures when retiring or becoming injured needing workers comp or disability benefits. This also makes it much easier for a transgender person to get a job as their authentic self and avoids the need to explain their existence in society that different then their birth gender. We will be with you every step of the way getting your Social Security information changed and acquiring your new social Security card.

Provide assistance and funding for birth certificate change … this helps the transgender person to have a birth certificate that registers their birth as the gender they are living as and proves they were born as the person they are presenting. We help to pay for birth Certificate change when a transgender person cannot afford the entire cost or at all. In most cases we will be with you every step of the way having birth certificate information changed.

Provide assistance and funding for dysphoria therapy … Gender dysphoria describes a sense of unease regarding the mismatch between assigned gender and gender identity. This feeling affects many — but not all. This tends to starts before transgender people begin living as their authentic selves (transition and gender expression). And dysphoria can occur at any point during life, from childhood to adulthood. People with gender dysphoria may experience severe emotional and psychological distress if they’re unable to express their experienced gender and/or if they don’t receive the support and acceptance they need. We help with funding for this therapy when a transgender person cannot afford to pay for this therapy themselves.

Provide assistance and funding for depression therapy …. People who are transgender and gender-diverse have an increased risk of anxiety and depression. For a variety of reasons, however, finding help may be difficult. People who are transgender often have specific mental and physical health care needs that should be respected and addressed. This helps transgender people deal with the rejection from family and society. When a transgender person cannot afford to pay for this depression therapy we help them with the cost.

Provide assistance and funding for shelter …. Transgender people have a challenging time finding shelter when homelessness becomes a major factor in their lives. They need help finding shelter that can protect them from the extreme weather conditions they face being homeless. Without help getting shelter, homeless transgender people can experience health conditions that could cause extreme illnesses. This is why it is extremely important for having funds available to help homeless transgender people get shelter. Many times transgender people who are homeless cannot find shelter to get in out of the extreme weather conditions. When this occurs, we provide funding for them to stay in a motel for a few days until shelter can be found.

Provide funding for scholarship for transgender high school graduates…. This can help a transgender student graduating high school to get a better start in their lives. We would give certain students with academic knowledge a scholarship for one year to a college to help them begin life as their authentic selves.

Provide assistance and funding for medical care …. Homeless people that live in poverty and have jobs but can barely survive on what little income they make, need help paying medical bills and Doctor visits to help them survive sickness and other medical problems. Many transgender people need medical care and cannot afford the cost of a doctor or the emergency room. When we encounter this problem for a transgender person we help them with the cost of medical care when their insurance does not pay for the cost or they have no means of paying at all.

Provide assistance and funding for transportation …. Many transgender people need help with transportation to get to jobs, find shelter, get to medical appointment and even shopping. Being able to purchase local transportation tickets to hand out to transgender people to provide them with a means of transportation can help them immensely in finding jobs, shelter, and shopping. Without having transportation, the transgender person cannot really survive. When a transgender person needs help with transportation to a doctor, to a job interview or other important needs we will provide free tickets on local transportation that we acquire from the transportation companies.

Provide funding for first month rent or security deposit for transgender homeless beginning self-sufficiency …. Transgender people need help paying for first months’ rent or the security deposit when they begin their journey to self-sufficiency. Without this help there is an 93 percent chance they will end up homeless again. We try to prevent this from happening by helping them pay the first month’s rent or security deposit.

Provide assistance and funding for counseling to transgender people dealing with rejection from society and family. … We would hire Professional Licensed Counselors for a regulated fee to come into our office and provide therapy for a group of transgender people who need transgender counseling to help them deal with the rejection of society and family.

Provide peer support by transgender counselors who have lived experience. Our office consists of transgender people who have lived their lives as their authentic selves for over 20 years and know what a transgender person needs in the way of peer support. Our peer support can help them find a professional counselor which can lead the transgender person to a fuller life.

Provide counseling for job search for transgender friendly employers …. Many transgender people need help finding a job that is transgender friendly. We are here to help them over this hurdle. We search for employers and talk to employers to see if they are transgender friendly and introduce the transgender client to them for an interview. We only send our transgender clients to employers that are transgender friendly and stand a good chance of getting a job. 

Provide direction for transgender people who are transitioning and need help with gender reassignment surgery …. We have a list of hospitals and surgical clinics that provide gender reassignment surgery and can direct a transgender person to the right center or give them the opportunity to choose a surgical center to get their gender replacement surgery. In a handful of cases, we would help them financially if they did not have the funds or insurance that makes their lives full and with prosperity.

Provide help to families to better understand their transgender family member and reasons wanting to live opposite their birth gender. Transgender people have families that really do not understand why their family member wants/needs to transition and live as their opposite gender. Our professional counselors can help these family members better understand why their family members are taking the direction of changing their gender. Most families have a major problem with family members who are transgender and transitioning. We are here to try and help these families better understand why their family members are transitioning. 

Provide assistance with funding and counseling to parents with a professional transgender counselor whose child is transgender and wants to transition to their opposite birth gender. …. Most parents who have young children who are transgender have no idea what is going on with their child. Most parents believe it is something they did to make their child want to become the opposite of their birth gender. Some parents look bewildered when their child says I'm a boy when their birth gender was female. Many parents just think it is something that will pass and if this is not the case and the child is actually a transgender child they will suffer from dysphoria and depression which could cause the child to leave home or get help from strangers or other transgender people they may have met and can cause extreme dysphoria and even suicide. 

Help with search for transgender friendly shelters for homeless transgender people…. Homeless transgender people have a major problem finding shelter when they face homelessness. Most homeless shelters do not allow a transgender person in the shelter that reflects the gender they are living as, and they end up going to a shelter that reflects their birth gender. This can cause serious issues for the transgender person by having others in that shelter poke fun at them, call them names, push them around, hurt them and make their lives miserable and even cause suicide. This is why we try to find shelter for homeless transgender people and if we cannot, we help them with funding for a motel until we can find shelter for them that is safe.

Provide speakers to colleges to help students understand what transgender is and why people are transgender and the problems and issues they face being transgender. …. We provide speakers to colleges to help students studying psychology and other social studies better understand the transgender community. We help them understand all the issues a transgender person faces when a person lives their life as a transgender individual. It helps colleges to give their students a better understanding of the psychology of transgenderism. We also help students understand that being transgender is biological and not just something one decides to do one day.

Meet with businesses about the transgender subject to help them better understand why their employee is transgender or help them to start hiring transgender people. We discuss what is needed to help the employer and transgender employee have a better understanding of each other’s needs. …. Meeting with businesses can help employers better understand transgender needs and let them know that a transgender individual is just another human being that is living as their internal self being. We let them know that transgender people are just people like themselves that live life a little differently than anyone else, but they are not dangerous to society. We try to explain to them that being transgender is biological and not something someone just decides to do one day. We try to explain that many transgender people are professional people just like themselves and only want to live life like anyone else wishes to. The problem is that most people and employers do not understand a transgender person and think they may cause problems for their employees. Most transgender people are diligent workers and also have professional careers that have been denied them just because of being transgender.

Monthly Transgender Support Meetings. … We will hold transgender support meetings once or twice a month to help transgender people on their journeys of life. Help them with their problems and issues and provide the peer support needed to help them better understand themselves and if they are having family issues just because they are transgender we will help them to understand why their family is rejecting them. We will, if the transgender individual wants us to talk to their family and try to help their family understand the reasons for their family members decision. We will have discussions in general about the subjects the transgender people attending the meeting wish to discuss and learn about. We have had these support meeting for over 24 years helping transgender people deal with the issues and problems they face every day of their transgender lives. We are experienced in helping transgender people survive society in most cases.

Our Future Office and Services …. 
In York, Pennsylvania, We are the  only Transgender office open 5 days a week only and strictly for the transgender and Homeless communities. There are no other transgender offices that specifically and only provide help, support, guidance and education to the transgender community. We are here when it comes to everything the transgender person needs to survive in a society that cares very little about the transgender community. Our office is open to all the surrounding cities where transgender people live and need help and we are open to all transgender people needing help regardless of where they come from, their culture, race or religion. 

We solely exist on donations, gifts, and grants to provide the transgender community the help and support they need to survive their life’s journey. We are looking for a Larger Building so we can expand …. What we really wish to do is purchase or rent a larger building so we can provide homeless transgender people with the right to shelter so they can survive their homelessness. 

In the larger building we would have an office for a family doctor who treats transgender people and a office for a professional therapist to provide transgender people needing help with rejection and homelessness.  

In this larger building we would have a general living space where transgender people can gather and congregate to meet others like themselves and discuss their issues with each other providing peer support for each other. 

We would also have a designated area where homeless transgender people can sleep in a safe area out of the extreme weather conditions and feel safe in a secure area and building. 

We would institute a program that would help transgender people get back on their feet and begin living a normal life in society.

Transportation Program
Our transportation program involves buying or leasing a shuttle bus to provide free transportation to the homeless and transgender communities providing free transportation to these communities. This will ensure that these communities will have transportation to and from destinations that help them survive their transgender and homeless situations. This will ensure they have transportation to jobs, job search, doctor appt, medical care appointments, shopping, shelter and housing search providing transportation to and from their specific shelters and other living situations. This is a necessity for these communities to survive and attempt to begin living a normal life. The local transportation costs for these people would cause them to spend money they do not have and take away from their everyday survival cost spending money they do not have to spend. Having a free transportation system specifically for these communities will help them onto a road to self-sufficiency and a normal life, helping them get back on their feet and surviving society. 
For more information about our assistence helping transgender individuals 
Please call 717-650-2247, leave a message if no one answers, or, send us an e-mail to [email protected], with your name and what you would like to know and we will get back to you as soon as possible

What we offer to help and assist the Transgender community 
on their journey to becoming their Authentic Selves